As per 31 Jan­u­ary 2020, N.V. has been renamed into Just Eat N.V. through an amend­ment of its arti­cles of asso­ci­a­tion and as per 3 Feb­ru­ary 2020 its shares were list­ed on the Lon­don Stock Exchange in addi­tion to Euronext Ams­ter­dam. Note that on 27 Decem­ber 2024, Just Eat com­plet­ed its delist­ing from the Lon­don Stock Exchange while retain­ing its pri­ma­ry list­ing on Euronext Ams­ter­dam. As per 3 Feb­ru­ary 2020, our arti­cles of asso­ci­a­tion read as follows:

Just Eat N.V. com­plies with the prin­ci­ples and best prac­tices laid down in the Dutch Cor­po­rate Gov­er­nance Code and, where prac­ti­ca­ble the UK Cor­po­rate Gov­er­nance Code. Just Eat N.V. has var­i­ous sets of reg­u­la­tions in place gov­ern­ing the per­for­mance of its bod­ies and ensur­ing imple­men­ta­tion of the rules applic­a­ble with­in Just Eat These reg­u­la­tions have been pre­pared in due obser­vance of the Codes and can be down­loaded here. Any ref­er­ence to “ N.V.” in, for exam­ple, the div­i­dend pol­i­cy should, as per 31 Jan­u­ary 2020, be read as ref­er­ence to “Just Eat N.V.”.

Infor­ma­tion pur­suant to Arti­cle 24(2) of EU’s Dig­i­tal Ser­vices Act

Under Arti­cle 24(2) of the Dig­i­tal Ser­vices Act, online plat­forms are required to pub­lish infor­ma­tion on the “aver­age month­ly active recip­i­ents” of their ser­vice in the EU. The fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is pro­vid­ed on this basis.

For the peri­od 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024, we cal­cu­late that the “aver­age month­ly active recip­i­ents” of Just Eat’s online plat­form ser­vice in the EU is few­er than 45 mil­lion.

This cal­cu­la­tion is spe­cif­ic to the require­ments of, and based on the lim­it­ed guid­ance avail­able in, the Dig­i­tal Ser­vices Act. It is not com­pa­ra­ble to alter­na­tive met­rics that may be oth­er­wise report­ed by Just Eat (includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to “active consumers”).

If you are a com­pe­tent EU Mem­ber State author­i­ty, the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion or the Euro­pean Board for Dig­i­tal Ser­vices, you may sub­mit an order (to remove con­tent or request data) or oth­er­wise com­mu­ni­cate with us in rela­tion to the DSA via our Sin­gle Point of Con­tact acces­si­ble here. For this pur­pose, com­mu­ni­ca­tion is pos­si­ble in Eng­lish and Dutch.

Please refer to exist­ing chan­nels of com­mu­ni­ca­tion for oth­er pur­pos­es.

Any per­son­al data sub­mit­ted by you will be processed in accor­dance with Just Eat’s pri­va­cy state­ment acces­si­ble here (opens in new window).