Our markets

Just Eat Takeaway.com cur­rent­ly oper­ates in: Unit­ed King­dom, Ger­many, Cana­da, The Nether­lands, Aus­tralia, Aus­tria, Bel­gium, Bul­gar­ia, Den­mark, Ire­land, Israel, Italy, Lux­em­bourg, Poland, Slo­va­kia, Spain and Switzerland.

Select your country and discover our offerings and opportunities.



The pow­er of a famil­iar face

Just Eat Takeaway.com runs a sin­gle-brand iden­ti­ty in each coun­try in which we oper­ate, as we believe this is the most effi­cient and effec­tive approach to reach consumers.

Our sin­gle brand iden­ti­ty and strat­e­gy is effi­cient because we are able to con­cen­trate all our mar­ket­ing efforts around a sin­gle brand with only a lim­it­ed organ­i­za­tion; and it is effec­tive because we can offer the broad­est selec­tion of restau­rants and retail­ers to con­sumers – mean­ing we can appeal to the entire market.