Empowering everyday convenience

Our vision is to empower everyday convenience for our consumers, partners and couriers - from a midweek lunch or a Friday-night takeaway to a last-minute bag of groceries, a flower bouquet, or the latest electronic devices.

Three pillars define our strategy.

Experience and efficiency

Driving a better experience for our partners, couriers, consumers and employees and setting ourselves up for future sustainable growth.

This includes consolidating tech platforms and enhancing our product experience, simplifying logistics and providing best-in-class customer care.

Choice and value

Just Eat Takeaway.com has continued to evolve over the years. Underpinned by our dense logistics network, we have moved from a traditional marketplace in the early days to now being able to offer unrivalled choice and coverage. Our aim is to build the best value proposition for consumers through our extensive choice, strong brand & loyalty offering - all with a hyper-local focus.

People and planet

As a business of our scale, we must continue to act responsibly towards our people, our planet and our communities. We understand that being a responsible business is just as important as delivering great business results. We want to leave a positive mark on the people we employ, the communities we serve, and the planet we all share.

Our mar­ket­place benefits

As an online food deliv­ery mar­ket­place, Just Eat Takeaway.com facil­i­tates the online order­ing, pay­ment and occa­sion­al­ly, ful­fil­ment of orders. We utilise a hybrid mod­el which builds on our mar­ket­place her­itage (where part­ners do their own deliv­ery) with deliv­ery ser­vice (for part­ners with­out their own deliv­ery capa­bil­i­ties). This mod­el ensures con­sumers have the widest pos­si­ble vari­ety of part­ners to order from.

Con­sumers can order via our mobile appli­ca­tions and our web­site. Our pri­ma­ry source of rev­enue is derived main­ly from the com­mis­sions we charge our part­ners, which are based on the Gross Trans­ac­tion Val­ue (GTV) of orders processed through our mar­ket­place, while to a less­er extent, it comes from oth­er ser­vices such as online pay­ment ser­vices, sales of mer­chan­dise and pack­ag­ing, and pro­mot­ed place­ment. In addi­tion, we also derive rev­enue from deliv­ery fees charged to con­sumers on orders for which Just Eat Takeaway.com is respon­si­ble for the Delivery.