July 2024 share buy­back programme

Just Eat Takeaway.com has announced the start of a share buy­back pro­gramme to improve future earn­ings per share under which it plans to repur­chase ordi­nary shares in the amount of up to €150 mil­lion and for a num­ber of shares not exceed­ing the author­i­ty grant­ed by the gen­er­al meet­ing (10% of the issued shares).

The buy­back pro­gramme will com­mence on 31 July 2024 and is expect­ed to com­plete no lat­er than on 31 March 2025.

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Octo­ber 2023 share buy­back programme

Just Eat Takeaway.com has announced the start of a share buy­back pro­gramme to improve future earn­ings per share under which it plans to repur­chase ordi­nary shares in the amount of up to € 150 mil­lion and for a num­ber of shares not exceed­ing the author­i­ty grant­ed by the gen­er­al meet­ing (10% of the issued shares).

The buy­back pro­gramme com­menced on 18 Octo­ber 2023 and was com­plet­ed on 3 May 2024. The num­ber of repur­chased shares is with­in the autho­ri­sa­tion (10% of the issued shares) of the gen­er­al meet­ing of Just Eat Takeaway.com grant­ed to the Man­age­ment Board. Under the pro­gramme a total of 10,942,866 shares were repur­chased, rep­re­sent­ing 4.97% of issued shares, at an aver­age price of €13.7076.

The Com­pa­ny cur­rent­ly holds 15,001,596 shares in trea­sury. The repur­chased shares will be used for set­tle­ment under employ­ee incen­tive plans or will be can­celled to reduce issued share cap­i­tal to improve future earn­ings per share.

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April 2023 share buy­back programme

Just Eat Takeaway.com has announced the start of a share buy­back pro­gramme to improve future earn­ings per share under which it plans to repur­chase ordi­nary shares in the amount of up to € 150 mil­lion and for a num­ber of shares not exceed­ing the author­i­ty grant­ed by the gen­er­al meet­ing (10% of the issued shares). 

The buy­back pro­gramme com­menced on 19 April 2023 and was com­plet­ed on 20 Sep­tem­ber 2023. The num­ber of repur­chased shares is with­in the autho­ri­sa­tion (10% of the issued shares) of the gen­er­al meet­ing of Just Eat Takeaway.com grant­ed to the Man­age­ment Board. Under the pro­gramme a total of 10,783,730 shares were repur­chased, rep­re­sent­ing 4.90% of issued shares, at an aver­age price of €13.9098.

The Com­pa­ny cur­rent­ly holds 10,783,730 shares in trea­sury. The repur­chased shares will be used for set­tle­ment under employ­ee incen­tive plans or will be can­celled to reduce issued share cap­i­tal to improve future earn­ings per share.

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