JET header door warm welcome 1600


Inter­na­tion­al Headquarters

Just Eat Take​away​.com N.V.
Piet Heinkade 61
1019 GM Ams­ter­dam
The Nether­lands
W: https://​justeat​take​away​.com


Media: press@​justeattakeaway.​com
Investors: ir@​justeattakeaway.​com

Find your way

Our head­quar­ters are cen­tral­ly locat­ed in the heart of Amsterdam.

By Pub­lic Transport
From Cen­tral Sta­tion it is rough­ly a 15 minute walk to the new office. If you wish to go with pub­lic trans­port, there are two options:

  • Take tram 26 from Cen­tral Sta­tion to stop: Muziekge­bouw Bimhuis. You will have a 4 minute walk left to the office.
  • Take bus 43 from Cen­tral Sta­tion to stop: Jan Schae­fer­brug. You will have a 4 minute walk left to the office.

From the Ring East (Oost) A10, exit S114 towards Cen­trum. Because the Piet Hein tun­nel is closed until autumn 2022, fol­low the road via the Zuiderzeeweg and Zee­burg­erdijk.
From Haar­lem, fol­low the S102. You can park (paid) at the IJ-Oev­er park­ing garage.