Fresh meals ca3c

Share­hold­er Information

Dec­la­ra­tion of no objec­tion from DNB

One of the 100% indi­rect sub­sidiaries of Just Eat Take​away​.com N.V., Take​away​.com Pay­ments B.V., is a pay­ment insti­tu­tion under super­vi­sion of DNB and as a result it is required to com­ply with rules applic­a­ble to pay­ment insti­tu­tions. As a con­se­quence of one of these rules, each per­son is required to obtain a dec­la­ra­tion of no objec­tion from DNB before it can hold, acquire or increase a hold­ing of 10% or more of the shares and/​or vot­ing rights in Just Eat Take​away​.com N.V. and cer­tain changes to such an inter­est may also require such a reg­u­la­to­ry approval.

Share­hold­ers with 3% or more interest

Accord­ing to the Dutch Finan­cial Super­vi­sion Act, investors are required to noti­fy the Nether­lands Author­i­ty for the Finan­cial Mar­kets (AFM) if their share­hold­ing or vot­ing rights reach, exceed or fall below cer­tain thresh­olds. Such dis­clo­sures can be found at www​.afm​.nl.

In addi­tion, due to Brex­it, since 1 Jan­u­ary 2021, share­hold­ers are required to noti­fy Just Eat Take​away​.com N.V. in accor­dance with the UK Dis­clo­sure and Trans­paren­cy Rules (DTR) when their vot­ing rights reach, exceed or fall below cer­tain thresh­olds. More infor­ma­tion can be found on www​.fca​.org​.uk/.

In accor­dance with the fil­ing require­ments, the per­cent­ages shown include both direct and indi­rect cap­i­tal inter­ests and vot­ing rights and both real and poten­tial cap­i­tal inter­est and vot­ing rights. Note that it is pos­si­ble that the stat­ed inter­ests dif­fer from the cur­rent inter­ests of the rel­e­vant share­hold­er. Accord­ing to the AFM reg­is­ter, share­hold­ers who have dis­closed hold­ings exceed­ing the 3% thresh­old are as follows:

Name Date Capital Interest Voting Interest
J. Groen 15-Jun-2021 7.24% 7.24%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., The 07-Jan-2025 6.65% 6.65%
Caledonia (Private) Investments Pty Limited 22-Feb-2022 6.25% 6.25%
S.A. Klarman 13-Oct-2021 5.13% 5.13%
JP Morgan Chase & Co 07-Nov-2024 4.90% 4.90%
Cat Rock Capital Management LP 02-Mar-2024 4.44% 2.94%
Société Générale S.A. 14-Mar-2024 3.98% 3.98%
Eminence Capital, LP 03-Jun-2024 3.18% 3.18%
FIL Limited 07-Jan-2025 3.18% 3.10%
Just Eat N.V. 15-Oct-2024 3.06% 0.00%
UBS Group AG 10-Jan-2025 3.06% 3.06%
Last updated at: 15-Jan-2025