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Responsible Business

Pos­i­tive influence

At Just Eat Take​away​.com, we believe in doing busi­ness respon­si­bly and in hav­ing a pos­i­tive impact on our com­mu­ni­ties and the planet. 

We know that the envi­ron­men­tal and social foot­print of our busi­ness goes far beyond our own oper­a­tions and that we have an unpar­al­leled oppor­tu­ni­ty to influ­ence oth­ers across the dynam­ic and diverse take­away industry.

Strate­gic respon­si­ble busi­ness framework

We have cre­at­ed a frame­work that cov­ers our direct and indi­rect impacts and high­lights key areas of focus, includ­ing min­imis­ing our envi­ron­men­tal foot­print, respond­ing to chang­ing cus­tomer diets and pref­er­ences and build­ing our pro­file as a respon­si­ble employer.

We’ve got an appetite to deliv­er change

This doc­u­ment marks the begin­ning of a jour­ney by map­ping out our impact for the first time, and set­ting out our Respon­si­ble Busi­ness and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty approach. Through this update we present our frame­work to address both the impacts of our direct oper­a­tions, as well as our ambi­tion to influ­ence our broad­er val­ue chain towards pos­i­tive change; for the Plan­et, for Food, and for Peo­ple and Society.

Just Eat Take​away​.com CDP Response 2022

In 2022, we dis­closed our envi­ron­men­tal impacts via CDP for the sec­ond time and we achieved a first-time Car­bon Dis­clo­sure Project (‘CDP’) score of C, which indi­cates aware­ness-lev­el engage­ment. CDP is a glob­al non-prof­it that runs the world’s envi­ron­men­tal dis­clo­sure sys­tem for com­pa­nies, cities, states and regions. Near­ly 20,000 orga­ni­za­tions around the world dis­closed data through CDP in 2022, includ­ing more than 18,700 com­pa­nies worth half of glob­al mar­ket cap­i­tal­iza­tion, and over 1,100 cities, states and regions. Their process­es ensure that our cal­cu­la­tions are inde­pen­dent­ly checked and dis­closed in a way that is use­ful for stake­hold­ers to track our progress.