
Cookie Statement

Just Eat Take​away​.com uses cook­ies, track­ers, scripts and social media but­tons (here­after togeth­er: Tech­nolo­gies”) on its web­sites and appli­ca­tions to help us pro­vide a bet­ter, faster and safer expe­ri­ence. These Tech­nolo­gies are also placed via third par­ties that are engaged by Just Eat Take​away​.com. Of course we take your pri­va­cy with regard to these Tech­nolo­gies very seri­ous. For more infor­ma­tion about the way we han­dle your data, please refer to our pri­va­cy state­ment.

By means of this cook­ie state­ment we would like to explain to you what the Tech­nolo­gies we use are and why we use them. If you still have ques­tions about our use of Tech­nolo­gies or your pri­va­cy in regard to the Tech­nolo­gies, you can con­tact us at privacy-​concerns@​takeaway.​com.

Enabling/disabling cookies and deleting cookies

Which tech­nolo­gies do we use?

As men­tioned above, we use dif­fer­ent Tech­nolo­gies for data col­lec­tion. The Tech­nolo­gies used by Just Eat Take​away​.com are scripts, track­ers and cook­ies. Each Tech­nolo­gies will be explained to you below.

1. What is a script?

A script is a piece of pro­gram code that is used to make our web­site func­tion prop­er­ly and to make it inter­ac­tive. This code can be exe­cut­ed on our serv­er or on your equipment.

2. What is a tracker?

A track­er is a small, invis­i­ble piece of text or image on our web­site that is used to map the traf­fic on our web­site. In order to map the traf­fic we use mul­ti­ple track­ers that each store a dif­fer­ent kind of data of you. We can also have third par­ties place track­ers on our web­site to mon­i­tor the traf­fic on our web­site for us.

3. What are cookies?

A cook­ie is a sim­ple small text file that is sent from some of our web­pages and is stored by your web brows­er on the hard dri­ve of your com­put­er. Some cook­ies only help to make the link between your activ­i­ties on our web­site dur­ing your web­site vis­it. Oth­er cook­ies will remain on the hard dri­ve of your com­put­er and will be sent back to our servers, or those of third par­ties who have placed the cook­ie for us, at the time you vis­it our web­site again.

4. What are social media buttons?

In addi­tion to cook­ies, our web­sites also use social media but­tons. These but­tons are includ­ed to pro­mote web pages (‘like’) or share (‘tweet’) on social net­works like Face­book, Twit­ter, Google+ and Youtube. These but­tons work through pieces of code that come from Face­book, Twit­ter, Google + and Youtube itself.

Why do we use these Technologies?

We place cook­ies, track­ers and scripts with dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es: func­tion­al, ana­lyt­i­cal and mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es. Below you will find an overview of the dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es for using the Tech­nolo­gies. For a spe­cif­ic overview of all Tech­nolo­gies used by us, the asso­ci­at­ed pur­pos­es and spe­cif­ic func­tions of the Tech­nolo­gies, please refer to our tech­nolo­gies list. This list is reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed by us in order to pro­vide you with an accu­rate overview of the Tech­nolo­gies we use.

1. Func­tion­al purposes

We use dif­fer­ent Tech­nolo­gies to ensure that our web­site func­tions well and is easy to use. Scripts and cook­ies are used for this pur­pose. Scripts ensure that the web­site is inter­ac­tive and that once you click on some­thing, some­thing actu­al­ly hap­pens. Cook­ies are used to make func­tions such as the shop­ping bas­ket pos­si­ble. With­out cook­ies, the shop­ping bas­ket could not remem­ber the prod­ucts you select­ed. Remem­ber­ing your address is also a func­tion that would not work with­out cook­ies. Some of the tech­nolo­gies used for func­tion­al pur­pos­es are so essen­tial to the func­tion­ing of our web­site that they can not be switched off. These Tech­nolo­gies will not be kept for more than a few hours after your web­site visit.

2. Ana­lyt­i­cal purposes

We ana­lyze your behav­ior on our web­site, using cook­ies and track­ers, to improve our web­site and to adapt it to your wish­es. We hope that by ana­lyz­ing this data our web­site is as user friend­ly as pos­si­ble. For exam­ple, we keep track of which pages are vis­it­ed the most and how you nav­i­gate on our website.

3. Mar­ket­ing purposes

Obvi­ous­ly we hope that you use our web­site as often as pos­si­ble and there­fore we use cook­ies and track­ers to adver­tise our web­site to you. By means of cook­ies we can offer inter­est­ing offers and / or dis­counts for you. For this pur­pose we ana­lyze, among oth­er things, how often you use our web­site and which prod­ucts you find inter­est­ing. This allows us to bet­ter adapt our offer and adver­tise­ments to your wish­es. Anoth­er mar­ket­ing goal for which we use track­ers is to check whether you come from a web­site of one of our adver­tis­ers. This is nec­es­sary because we have to pay our adver­tis­ers for the cus­tomers who vis­it our web­site via their plat­form (or places an order on our platform).

Secu­ri­ty of your data by us and by third parties

1. Secu­ri­ty of your data by Just Eat Take​away​.com

Just Eat Take​away​.com takes the pro­tec­tion of your data seri­ous and takes appro­pri­ate mea­sures to pre­vent mis­use, loss, unau­tho­rized access, unwant­ed dis­clo­sure and unau­tho­rized mod­i­fi­ca­tion. If you think that your data is not prop­er­ly secured or there are indi­ca­tions of abuse, please con­tact us at: security-​concerns@​takeaway.​com.

2. Third-par­ty technologies

As pre­vi­ous­ly men­tioned, we use third-par­ty Tech­nolo­gies. These third par­ties assist us in achiev­ing the described pur­pos­es. We do not allow third par­ties to use your data for their own pur­pos­es or pur­pos­es that do not cor­re­spond with the pur­pos­es as described in this state­ment. Just Eat Take​away​.com con­cludes pro­cess­ing agree­ments with third par­ties who place Tech­nolo­gies on our web­site in our assign­ment. We con­clude these pro­cess­ing agree­ments to ensure the same lev­el of secu­ri­ty and con­fi­den­tial­i­ty of your data. We remain respon­si­ble for the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data by third par­ties on behalf of Just Eat Take​away​.com.

What are your rights?

1. Enabling/​disabling cook­ies and delet­ing cookies

You can always adjust your pref­er­ences regard­ing the Tech­nolo­gies (often only called cook­ies on the inter­net). It is also pos­si­ble to delete already placed cook­ies (this is the only Tech­nol­o­gy that stores data on your device). By dis­abling the Tech­nolo­gies it is pos­si­ble that parts of our web­site will no longer work. Essen­tial Tech­nolo­gies for the oper­a­tion of the web­site (includ­ing some scripts and cook­ies) can not be deac­ti­vat­ed. By click­ing on one of the links below you will find how you can change your set­tings per brows­er and pos­si­bly delete your cookies:

2. Right to inspect, cor­rect or delete your data

You have the right to request access to and cor­rec­tion or dele­tion of your data (for more infor­ma­tion, see our pri­va­cy state­ment. To pre­vent mis­use, we can ask you to ade­quate­ly iden­ti­fy your­self in case of such a request.

3. Tips, ques­tions and complaints

For more infor­ma­tion about our pri­va­cy pol­i­cy and the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data, please refer to our pri­va­cy state­ment. If you have any ques­tions or com­plaints regard­ing our cook­ie pol­i­cy, we are hap­py to help you.

This Cook­ie state­ment can be mod­i­fied and was last mod­i­fied on 24/08/2020