S RGB JUSTEAT Lifestyle Thai

Jitse Groen

Annual Report 2022

After two years of significant investment following the merger and the pandemic, we have returned to positive Adjusted EBITDA earlier than anticipated.
Jitse Groen CEO of Just Eat Takeaway.com
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At a glance

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Active Consumers


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Adjusted EBITDA


Countries active in

Countries active in


Our Segments

Our oper­a­tions span four seg­ments. These seg­ments are: North Amer­i­ca, North­ern Europe, Unit­ed King­dom and Ire­land, and South­ern Europe and Aus­tralia and New Zealand.

Across the four seg­ments, Just Eat Take​away​.com oper­ates in 20 coun­tries, rep­re­sent­ing an Address­able Pop­u­la­tion of over 700 mil­lion peo­ple. In 2022, we served a total of 90 mil­lion Active Con­sumers across our seg­ments. Our sig­nif­i­cant invest­ments in Part­ner acqui­si­tion enabled us to increase the num­ber of Part­ners with 9% to 692 thou­sand by the end of 2022, fur­ther increas­ing the diver­si­ty of our offer­ings.

Please select a seg­ment in the map below to see the 2022 Results per segment.

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Adjusted EBITDA

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Active Consumers

Our Strat­e­gy

Our vision is to empow­er every food moment for our con­sumers, Part­ners and couri­ers – from a mid-week lunch to a Fri­day-night fam­i­ly take­away, a last-minute bag of gro­ceries from your local con­ve­nience store and every­thing in between.

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Our Prod­uct and Technology

Just Eat Take​away​.com is pow­ered by inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts and tech­nol­o­gy. These enable us to reli­ably deliv­er mil­lions of Orders in our mar­kets, in a way that is intu­itive and com­pelling for our con­sumers, Part­ners, and couri­ers. Cru­cial­ly, our prod­ucts and tech­nol­o­gy con­tin­ue to evolve and unlock fur­ther growth and mar­gin improve­ments for our business.

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Our Stake­hold­ers

Just Eat Take​away​.com has many stake­hold­ers, direct­ly and indi­rect­ly. What­ev­er we work on, we always have our con­sumers, our Part­ners, our peo­ple and our share­hold­ers at heart.

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Three pil­lars for pos­i­tive action

On Wednes­day 1 March 2023, Just Eat Take​away​.com pub­lished its Annu­al Report 2022.

The PDF/​print ver­sion of this annu­al report has been pre­pared for ease of use and does not con­tain ESEF infor­ma­tion as spec­i­fied in the Reg­u­la­to­ry Tech­ni­cal Stan­dards on ESEF (Del­e­gat­ed Reg­u­la­tion (EU) 2019 — 815). The offi­cial ESEF report­ing pack­age is avail­able via the above HTML-link. In any case of dis­crep­an­cies between this PDF ver­sion and the ESEF pack­age, the lat­ter prevails.

The Com­pa­ny has filed for dereg­is­tra­tion on 14 March 2023 and there­fore no longer has to com­ply with the SEC infor­ma­tion report­ing require­ments of the Exchange Act. There­fore, the Com­pa­ny will no longer file its finan­cial infor­ma­tion, includ­ing its annu­al report, with the SEC.